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Having Fun at Work

Everyone wants to have fun at work, and why shouldn’t they? In an increasingly corporate world though, people are hesitant to write how much fun they are on their CV, or report having fun in their work.

It’s as if the fun has become mutually exclusive with being a great worker or having a successful company.

Aquirity is breaking that mould, and as Leed’s premier sales and marketing firm heads into the new year, CEO Adam Qureshi explains why fun is an integral part of his company:

“Happiness is business model” Qureshi states, “And having fun is an integral part of human happiness. When you have a positive mindset, it works like a placebo effect. If you just believe that you can do something, that task suddenly becomes so much more achievable.”

With weekly team nights, company days out, holidays abroad, and black tie events, the company is cultivating a sense of teamwork and camaraderie outside the office that will then translate into the workplace as well.

“I don’t want the fun we have to be constrained by office hours- I want to get to know all my team and I want them to know me as well.” The Managing Director continues, “When you do that outside of work as well it fosters much better relationships, and the environment when you are working is completely transformed.”

With huge goals for 2022 on the horizon, Qureshi’s philosophy of fun is reflected in the results of “The Fortunes 100 Best Companies to Work For”:

In their list, Fortune asked employees of ‘great’ companies if they were having fun at work. An overwhelming majority of 81% reported that they were- in comparison to just 61% from the ‘good’ companies.

“For a company to go from being good to being great, it needs to be a fun place to work” The CEO concludes. “The average person spends 30% of their life at work. If you’re bored, watching the clock, just waiting to go home, you’re wishing a third of your life away. To me, that is so sad- it’s not a situation I want anyone to be in.”

“I have enormous goals for the company in the next 12 months, but to do that, we need a great team. A lineup of ambitious, motivated, hardworking young professionals. The first thing we need to do is find that talent, but then we

need time with these people; time to invest in them and develop their potential.”

With a record number of promotions in the last few months and the business remaining the no.1 representation for their clients, Qureshi once more pins the success down to the company culture: “I’m just so proud of the team for helping to create a space where anyone we bring on board can flourish not just professionally, but personally as well”

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