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Adam Qureshi

"There are so many obstacles that will get in your way but sheer determination can get you through it."
What is your background?

I was born in Manchester and grew up in Birmingham.

I wouldn’t say I come from the most successful of backgrounds as my mum brought me and my brother up on her own and had to work two jobs. That work ethic is definitely something I aspire to today. I’ve been in sales since I was 17, having all then sales records on whichever client I have worked with, whilst also being the highest performing Sales Executive during my four years at BMW. It is great having individual accolades, now I am really excited to pass on my knowledge to my team!


Whose your biggest inspiration and why?

My biggest inspiration is definitely Cristiano Ronaldo. His work ethic and determination to be the best is something I really resonate with.


What do you think makes a successful entrepreneur?

I think determination, hard work and a first class attitude make a successful entrepreneur. There are so many obstacles that will get in your way but sheer determination can get you through it. Hard work comes with anything you do and a First Class attitude comes into play when you come up with solutions.


How would you recommend preparing for an interview?

I would recommend having a relaxed but enthusiastic approach. Don’t be nervous, there's a reason why you’ve got this far! Be yourself, be honest and enjoy speaking about yourself!


What advice would you give to someone new starting in this industry?

I see a lot of people not giving themselves enough time to get good. You’re never going to master a skill or career in the space of a few months!

Surround yourself around the best examples, always ask questions and push yourself to work at capabilities you never thought were possible

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